The foundation for a forensic accountant is the core skills that a CPA has.   However to be a forensic account there are a number of additional education courses to be taken and a number of tests to be passed before you can be certified as a forensic accountant.

I am certified in forensic accounting by both the American Institute of Public Accountants and the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts.  Forensic accounting services involve the application of specialized knowledge and investigative skills.  The forensic accountant must be able to analyze and evaluate vast sums of information and be able to communicate their findings in a concise and clear manner.

Almost all settlement agreements involve tax consequences.  Whether assets are pre tax or after tax can impact the value by 50% or more.  It is imperative that all settlement agreements be analyzed for the tax consequences.


Often in todays marriages, because people are getting married later, or married for a second time, one or another of the spouses had accumulated assets prior to the marriage.  If that couple then gets divorced, it is possible that the assets the spouse had can remain with that spouse and they will not be subject to equitable division.

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As forensics accountants we are not lawyers.  We work at the direction of the lawyers and provide tax advice, asset tracing and assistance in the preparation of a settlement agreement .  If the disagreement ends up in front of an Arbitrator, Mediator, or Judge, the forensic accountant must be able to provide expert testimony is a concise and clear manner.  Communication skills are very important in litigation services.


I don’t think I have ever been involved in a domestic case that someone didn’t think the other spouse was hiding assets.  Generally that is not the case, however, sometimes it is.  Using our forensic skills we attempt to find all of the assets of the marital estate, even those that have not been disclosed.